Climate Change

About This Collection

What is climate change? A definition from the Department of Ecology of Washington State reads: Climate includes patterns of temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind and seasons. It affects more than just a change in the weather and refers to seasonal changes over a long period of time. These climate patterns play a fundamental role in shaping natural ecosystems, and the human economies and cultures that depend on them.

It may be used inter-changably with global warming as they’re closely related. Global warming causes climates to change. Here is NASA discussion on the two terms, What's In A Name?

We recommend you listen and learn which is the best advice we can give to begin to understand the challenges before us.

Curated by mokiethecat

Hopeless and Broken, Climate Scientists Despair

Stark predictions of global temperature rise, and the urgent need for climate action are taking a huge emotional and psychological toll on the scientists who understand what’s happening.
Inspired by a recent article in The Guardian, "Hopeless and Broken: Climate Scientists Despair," host and climate attorney Raya Salter and Dr. Ruth Cerezo Mota, climatologist from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and a Lead Author for the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report, offer personal perspectives on the feelings of hopelessness and despair that many climate scientists are experiencing.
With over 15 years of experience in climate modeling and studying extreme weather events, Dr. Cerezo Mota provides an overview of her work and the real-world impacts of her findings. The conversation delves into the challenges she faces, including political resistance, funding shortages, and public apathy, as well as the motivation that drives her to continue her vital work despite overwhelming challenges.

The Guardian Article: Hopeless and Broken: Climate Scientists Despair (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/01/climate-scientists-despair)
Dr. Ruth Cerezo Mota Bio (https://www.unam.mx)
Raya Salter Bio (https://www.rayasalter.com/biography)

Edited by Mike Coe
Thumbnail by Eric Dehais

For more information about Climate Change, visit the FacingFuture Library at https://facingfuture.earth/library.

#ExtremeWeather #ClimateScience #RuthCerezoMota

EarthSayer Dr. Ruth Cerezo Mota

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