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Satish Kumar is a former monk and long term peace and environment activist. Satish reflects
Uploaded on Dec 5, 2009
En 2003, après La Terre vue du ciel, Yann Arthus-Bertrand a lancé avec Sibylle
People from all over the world express their concern over climate change and the future of our cities.
Published on Oct 24, 2012 by the
Yann Arthus-Bertrand was appointed by the United Nations to produce the official film for the International Year of Forests.
Following the success of Home which was seen by 400 million
Jean-Pierre Quignard, professor in Ichtyology, tells us about the consequences of warming waters in the Mediteranean sea.
Plasltic doesn't decompose but breaks into fragments. 46,000 per square Km of plastics across all the seas. What is killing our birds and how does this effect us? Published by the
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