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This is a five-minute video introducing the difference between deep ecology and shallow ecology in Environmental Ethics. It covers the basic principles of deep ecology including the need for a
Take a journey with Director Jerome Osentowski, Commissioner Jill Ryan, and Environmental Policy Planner Adam Palmer through
RSA Minimate: Climate Change and the Future of Humanity - David Wallace-Wells
Global warming is the existential challenge of our age. The time for denial and delay is over. The time
In Powwow Trail, Dylan Jennings shares a weekend of singing with Midnite Express and dancing at the Oneida Powwow. This video is part of The Ways, an ongoing series of stories on
In Hunting Deer, Greg "Biskakone" Johnson takes us deer hunting in the ceded territory near his Lac du
Living Language shares Ron Corn Jr.'s attempt to teach his daughter, Mimikwaeh, to be a first language speaker of the Menominee language. This video is part of The Ways, an
Spearfishing: A Living History explores the tradition and practice of spearfishing through the eyes of Jason Bisonette, a member of the Lac Courte
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