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Following the upper and lower limbs of the AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation).
Extended descriptive text: Due to large incoming solar radiation in tropical regions, the
Following the upper and lower limbs of the AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation).
Extended descriptive text: Due to large incoming solar radiation in tropical regions, the upper layers of the Atlantic Ocean gain heat at low latitudes. Ocean currents are set in motion to re-distribute this heat to higher latitudes, warming up the atmosphere along their path and contributing to mild weather conditions over Europe.
This corresponds to the upper limb of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation - AMOC for short. At high latitudes, the cooled and densified surface waters deepen into the ocean interior and return back south, making up the lower limb of the AMOC
Let us follow the water movement along the AMOC by deploying and tracking particles. The length of the particle trails is proportional to the velocity of the ocean current and their color to the ocean temperature
Vigorous warm currents flow towards North along the western boundary of the Atlantic.
We start off the North Brazil Current, which first breaks up into strongly rotating circular eddies, then feeds the flow into the Caribbean Sea. Away from the boundaries, particle trails are shorter, meaning the velocities are weaker
In the Gulf of Mexico, the current makes a sharp turn into the Florida Straits and ends up in one of the largest current systems in the World: the Gulf Stream. Here, again, energetic eddies can be seen, rotating for a long time around their centers.
Some of the currents escape the eddies and flow towards east, continuing in the Azores Current and some move towards North.
Further north, the Gulf Stream continues as the weaker, less defined North Atlantic Current. A part of the flow continues to the Nordic Seas then partially recirculates in the subpolar north Atlantic, into the Labrador Sea.
Along the way, the surface waters lose some of the heat and become cold, therefore dense. In the Labrador Sea, the harsh winter conditions make the surface water even colder and denser, to the point that it is heavier than the water below it and starts to plunge into the deep, in a process called convection. Once at depths around 1000 to 2000 meters, this water mass encounters water of similar densities and begins to flow to the south
We now look only at currents below 2000 meters depth: the so-called Deep Western Boundary Current, which forms the lower limb of AMOC, can be observed starting at the southern tip of Greenland and following the continental slope.
At the exit of the Labrador Sea, it goes around the Flemish Cap and enters the region below the Gulf Stream. The flow in the upper layers is so strong that currents deeper than 2000 m still feel this movement and are entangled into eddies. In contrast, directly at the boundary, currents progress slowly southwards.
The flow below 2000m south from the Gulf Stream eddy region is mostly confined to the continental slope and follows the bottom topography.
Along the South American continent, the continental slope is interrupted by large underwater promontories, which the Deep Western Boundary Current needs to circumvent. While going around them, meanders and eddies are generated; the flow gets unstable.
One of those regions lies in the southern hemisphere, offshore the Brazilian coast. The flow is disrupted into eddies and from there onwards no longer flows as a well-defined current. The lower limb of the AMOC is from there onwards dominated by ocean eddies.
The Seven Sacred Laws - As Shared by Elder Nii Gaani Aki Inini (Dr. Dave Courchene), Anishinaabe Nation, Eagle Clan
In the Anishinaabe world, and others, the Seven Sacred Laws have
The Seven Sacred Laws - As Shared by Elder Nii Gaani Aki Inini (Dr. Dave Courchene), Anishinaabe Nation, Eagle Clan
In the Anishinaabe world, and others, the Seven Sacred Laws have acted as the foundation of our way of life and connection to the Spirit and the land.
The Seven Sacred Laws are represented by seven animals that ensure our close relationship with Nature. Each animal offers a special gift and understanding of how we as people should live our lives on Mother Earth.
We are living in a time that we need a vision of hope based on values and teachings that can set the foundation for a change of heart. The Seven Sacred Laws are the foundation we are to live by. These Laws emanate from having the spirit of kindness.
It is the spirit of these seven animals that we call upon to teach and remind us of the Seven Sacred Laws, beginning with the law of Respect – Represented by the Buffalo.
Respect is to be a giving and sharing people, first and foremost, following the example of the buffalo who gave its whole being for the life of the people.
Love – Represented by the Eagle – is about loving the Great Spirit, loving the land, loving ourselves in the way we were created, and loving each other in the highest way, as the eagle brings vision that is always based on love. The essence of love is understanding, with empathy and compassion. Through the unconditional love of the Great Spirit, we have all been given the ability to have vision, and to make our visions come true.
Courage – Represented by the Bear – is living from the heart, and having the courage to be ourselves. It takes courage to do the right thing for the sake of the children, the way a mother bear would die before seeing harm come to her cub.
Honesty – Represented by the Sabé or Bigfoot – is being honest with ourselves, speaking and living our truth from the heart. Honesty is refusing to lie or engage in gossip about others. Honesty is being true to our words. Honesty is never judging or condemning others, but to speak well of others, honouring their uniqueness within the human family.
Wisdom – Represented by the Beaver – is about using the gift the Great Spirit gave each of us to serve, and to build a strong family, community and Nation. Our gifts do not belong to us as individuals, but belong to all the people, to serve the good of the Nation. If the beaver did not use his gift to build, his teeth would grow long, and he would die. Similarly, if we do not use our gifts in a good way for the benefit of the Earth and the brothers and sisters of our nations, we too would die spiritually.
Humility – Represented by the Wolf – is about showing gratitude for life received, never overstepping the natural laws of Mother Earth. Humility is to know that not one of us is ever above or below our fellow human beings. We are all equal in the eyes of the Great Spirit. There is so much we can learn from the wolf. The teaching of humility is especially important for the leaders of our Nations.
The teaching of Truth is represented by the Turtle. Our motherland is referred to as Turtle Island. To know and live truth is to walk and live all the Seven Sacred Laws. Living truth means living in the spirit of Respect, Love, Courage, Honesty, Wisdom, Humility and Truth. It is when we live truth that we will know peace and find the truth of our humanity. Our spiritual constitution is written on the turtle. The turtle lives in the water and on the land to remind the whole world of the truth we should be living by.
The animals that represent the seven sacred laws ensure that we have a close relationship with the land – an alliance with nature. The animal world are our brothers. They live with each other in harmony and bring us teachings.
When one is able to walk the spirit of these Seven Sacred Laws is when one becomes truly free, it is then that one receives the full support of the universe, and the forces of the Earth itself.
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