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Sustainability Pioneers 4: It Takes a Leader

The "Doomsday Clock" now stands at three minutes till midnight due to the rapid progression of the climate crisis. Unchecked climate change is now as serious a risk to humanity as the nuclear

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EarthSayers Kirsi Jansa; Mario Leone, Jr,; Matthew Mehalick
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainability Pioneers More Details
Sustainability Pioneers 7: From Paris to New York

Very few states in the U.S. have started to transform their economy in a way that would keep climate change at bay, and in a way that matches the Paris climate agreement. In the seventh episode of

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EarthSayers Art Hunt; Kirsi Jansa; Liz Miller
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainability Pioneers More Details
Sustainability Pioneers 3: It Takes a Village

Sustainability Pioneers' It Takes a Village is a story about community power. Documentary

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Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainability Pioneers More Details

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