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Why Clean Energy Access is a #Solvable Global Challenge ft. Jules Kortenhorst
Clean, reliable #energy can reach everyone. How can we do it? #Minigrid Technology + Scalable Business Model = #Solvable. In this series, The Rockefeller Foundation shares more than 40 mini-films,
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Date 8/21/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
RMI Discussion: Resilience, Insights, and Impacts Amid COVID 19

Together, we are all facing uncertain and unprecedented times. RMI is quickly adapting and remains committed to our mission to create a clean, prosperous and?secure low-carbon energy future. In

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EarthSayers Carla Frisch; Jules Kortenhorst; Uday Varadarajan
Date 4/7/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Resiliency and Communities More Details
Webinar: Green Stimulus and Recovery—A Path to Global Resilience
ocky Mountain Institute CEO Jules Kortenhorst, former US Special Envoy for Climate Change Todd Stern, and RMI Principals Carla Frisch and Uday Varadarajan share four core principles of strategic
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Date 5/28/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Happy Earth Day from Jules Kortenhorst
Rocky Mountain Institute CEO Jules Kortenhorst reflects on the 50th anniversary of Earth Day and how RMI is committed to driving a clean energy future.
Date 4/22/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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