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Two simple steps to becoming a carbon neutral economy | Jesper Tornbjerg | TEDxJohannesburgSalon
Denmark is well known for the pioneering role that it has played in driving the sustainability agenda. And, remarkably, the country is well on the way to becoming a carbon neutral society – one of
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Date 3/13/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Holistic approach to sustainability by Jesper Nygård

July 2-6, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Hear what Jesper says on the importance of a holistic approach to sustainability in the built environment and what makes the World Congress in

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EarthSayer Jesper Nygård
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection World Congress of Architects More Details
Why bottled water is one of the most stupid invention! | Jesper K. Strange Kjeldsen | TEDxHamburg
For more information on Jesper K. Strange Kjeldsen, please visit our website www.tedxhamburg.de Jesper K. Strange Kjeldsen is co-founder of the Danish water company “Postevand” – The Danish
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Date 7/12/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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