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An Ethical Fashion Industry for the Future | Pyone Thet Thet Kyaw | TEDxYangon
Have you thought about the journey of the clothes that you wear? Who made them, where were they made, and was the process kind to the environment? In the era of fast fashion, designer Pyone Thet
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Date 11/15/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Jeanne Pelletier and Clementine Longworth Interviewed by Maria Campbell

In 2004, the Gabriel Dumont Institute brought together Metis Elders from across Saskatchewan to hear their stories and learn about their past. Maria Campbell interviewed Jeanne Pelletier and

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EarthSayers Maria Campbell; Clementine Longworth; Jeanne Pelletier
Date unknown Format Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details

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