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Displaying 8 videos of 8 matching videos containing

Fix the economy, fix the climate | Summit 21
Dame Ellen MacArthur is in conversation with former Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Christiana Figueres on how the circular economy can tackle climate change. ‍ Felipe Villela, founder and COO of
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Date 6/8/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Fix the economy, fix the climate | Summit 21 | Day 1 Highlights
Summit 21 was live-streamed in June 2021 - these are the highlights of the first of three sessions focusing on how the circular economy can help tackle climate change. Featuring discussions with Dame
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Date 6/15/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
How can businesses help restore biodiversity?
Businesses have a huge role to play in restoring biodiversity loss, but what steps can they take to effectively do this? Maya Adams, Cindy Venho and Soukeyna Gueye from the Foundation discuss
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Date 12/1/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
How can farmers and companies work together to drive regenerative agriculture? | Summit 21
Emma Chow from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation talks to Nestle CEO Mark Schneider and Unilever's Hanneke Faber about the role of farmers, farming and companies in driving regenerative agriculture and
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Date 10/5/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The role of companies in driving regenerative agriculture and biodiversity | Summit 21
Emma Chow talks with Hanneke Faber from Unilever and Felipe Villela from reNature, about the role companies and retailers play in driving regenerative agriculture and biodiversity. ------ Thank you
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Date 10/28/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Regenerating nature in a circular economy

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The extractive and wasteful economic practices of today are at the heart of the destruction of biodiversity. Preserving and enhancing valuable

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EarthSayers Luc Bas; Hanneke Faber; Patrick Holden
Date 6/29/2021 Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Circular Economy More Details
Emmanuel Faber, Danone - New Plastics Economy Innovation Prize
Danone's CEO, Emmanuel Faber endorses and supports the New Plastics Economy's $2M Innovation Prize, which was run in collaboration with OpenIDEO and NineSigma in 2016. Meet the recently announced
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Date 2/26/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
One of World's Oldest Manufacturers - Faber-Castell
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The German company Faber-Castell is best known for its pencils and it turns out hundreds of millions of writing utensils every year.

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EarthSayer Count Anton Wolfgang von Faber-Castel
Date unknown Format Product
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 8 videos of 8 matching videos containing


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