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Lightning Round: Aligning Profits with the Planet
Climate One Host Greg Dalton in the lighting round during the "Aligning Profits with the Planet" program. The program featured: Gretchen Daily, Professor of Environmental Science, Stanford
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Date 7/31/2017 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Local Efforts to End Homelessness

What's working, and what's not, and why?

What improvements can actually be done by this time next year? 

Answering these questions, and others, will be: Multnomah County

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EarthSayers Suzanne Hayden; Deborah Kafoury; Matt Morton
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Portland Sustainability Leaders More Details
Addressing Overpopulation
Stanford professor Gretchen Daily says it's important to state our values but then also recognize who we are as a species, in order to address the explosion in
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Date 7/31/2017 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Eliminating Homelessness in Portland: Deja vu All Over Again? (2005)
Presented on November 4, 2005, 

Published on Apr 9, 2015

Genevieve Nelson, co-founder,

Published on Apr 9, 2015

Genevieve Nelson, co-founder,
Sisters of The Road; Lisa Schroeder, Business Owner, Co-Chair of the Downtown Retail Council, & member, Public Safety Action Committee; Erik Sten, Commissioner, City of Portland; Gretchen Kafoury, former city commissioner and current faculty, Portland State University's t, moderator 

"It's been almost 20 years since Portland Mayor Bud Clark introduced the ""12-Point Plan to Break the Cycle of Homelessness"". Fast-forward to 2005. The city has initiated its ""10-Year Plan to End Homelessness"". How has the face of homelessness and our approach to the problem changed? Why do some think the outcomes will be different this time? 
On Friday, Nov.4, City Club convenes a panel of three community leaders who influence local policy: Sten, in charge of the city's program; Nelson, who is overseeing an in-depth survey of 400 Portland homeless; and Schroeder, who brings the views of the downtown business community to the table."

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EarthSayers Gretchen Kafoury; Genevieve Nelson; Lisa Schroeder
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Portland Sustainability Leaders More Details

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