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#CCL2021 #PushForAPrice June Conference: Welcome Session & Keynote Speakers
Join Mark Reynolds for welcome remarks. Jerry Taylor will discuss the state of the Republican party and how the party will move on climate action this Congress, and what the Niskanen Center is doing
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Date 6/12/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Young Voices on Climate Change
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Trailer: Clarissa Klein, Alec Loorz, Shannon McComb, Eveline Weary, Danny Farahdel, Tracy Alvarez, Felix Finkbiener, Hannah Kirkegaard, William Love-Anderegg, Jordan Howard, Erica Fernandez,

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EarthSayers Clarissa Klein; Alec Loorz; Shannon McComb
Date unknown Format Trailer
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Our Youth Speak Up More Details
Youth Activist Alec Loorz at Bioneers
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How a young activist called Alec Loorz grew to be a main stage speaker at Bioneers.

EarthSayer Alec Loorz
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
First National Bank and CSR by Alec Gorynski
Alec Gorynski of First National Bank talks about why the company chooses to build community by partnering with Habitat Omaha. His article on can be found
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EarthSayer Alec Gorynski
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) More Details

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