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Episode 5: Sabe (Honesty) | The Seven Sacred Laws (Anishinaabe)
Amik o’gizhii o dis’igoon gwiiwizens jii bii’miinigoot yaah inaaakonigewin jii nibaakaawaat. Written by Anishinaabe Elder, Dr. David Courchene, directed by Indigenous filmmaker, Erica Daniels
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Date 6/2/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Episode 8: Turtle (Truth) | The Seven Sacred Laws
A beautiful song draws the boy to a special encounter with a turtle, who helps him understand the importance of truth. Written by Anishinaabe Elder, Dr. David Courchene, directed by Indigenous
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Date 6/2/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Staying Sane in a World out of Balance
While civilization has brought comforts undreamed of in human history to a wealthy minority, it has wreaked havoc on life itself, polluting, extracting, and heating the atmosphere and the oceans to
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Date 10/20/2023 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
OFFICIAL PROMO (Long) - The Seven Sacred Laws Short Animated Film Series
The Turtle Lodge has partnered with Manitoba 150 and IG Wealth Management to present a series of short animated films on the Seven Sacred Laws, to be released in English, French, and Anishinaabe.
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Date 5/28/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
OFFICIAL PROMO (Short) - The Seven Sacred Laws Short Animated Film Series
The Turtle Lodge has partnered with Manitoba 150 and IG Wealth Management to present a series of short animated films on the Seven Sacred Laws, to be released in English, French, and Anishinaabe.
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Date 5/28/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Episode 4: Bear (Courage) | The Seven Sacred Laws
A bear emerges from the woods and startles the boy, as he learns about the law of courage. Written by Anishinaabe Elder, Dr. David Courchene, directed by Indigenous filmmaker, Erica Daniels of
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Date 6/2/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Episode 5: Sabe (Honesty) | The Seven Sacred Laws
A large and imposing creature similar to Bigfoot appears, and teaches the boy about honesty. Written by Anishinaabe Elder, Dr. David Courchene, directed by Indigenous filmmaker, Erica Daniels of
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Date 6/2/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Episode 2: Buffalo (Respect) | The Seven Sacred Laws
An apparition of a buffalo emerges from the sacred fire, and teaches the boy the law of respect. Written by Anishinaabe Elder, Dr. David Courchene, directed by Indigenous filmmaker, Erica Daniels
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Date 6/2/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Interviewing Ecuadorian Wisdom Keepers by Barry Heidt
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This is an EarthSayers Radio interview of videographer, Barry Heidt on his upcoming journey to Ecuador to interview indigenous leaders who speak on behalf of Mother Earth. His three week 

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EarthSayer Barry Heidt
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Episode 3: Eagle (Love) | The Seven Sacred Laws
A large eagle appears overhead to teach the law of love. Written by Anishinaabe Elder, Dr. David Courchene, directed by Indigenous filmmaker, Erica Daniels of Peguis First Nation, and created by
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Date 6/2/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 263 matching videos containing any of the terms

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