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The more standard 3TBL is Planet, People, and Economics 3(p)TBL, but where's the equity? It seems to emphasize people solely as consumers, rather than citizens. Julia brings into focus
Ramon Ramirez, President of Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste
Panel Discussion with Knowledge Keepers – Part 1/ June 23, 2020
In honour of National Indigenous Peoples Day, Anishinaabe Elder Dr. David Courchene, Métis
Trailer of the movie, The Last Mountain, June 2011. Check out release dates and cities. The fight for the last
Larry O'Connor, lecturer in accounting in the business school of La Trobe University in Australia started out with his inquiry as to how accounting is bringing about changes towards a more
How does an interfaith approach to climate change attempt to bridge the divides? How can a faith-based approach be more intersectional when it comes to justice issues? What are some specific
Displaying 10 videos of 197 matching videos containing any of the terms
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