Search Results domain name pointer ec2-18-118-95-74.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com.

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Why we have to “speak”? | Xinyi Wang | TEDxYouth@NFLS
As an experienced public speaker, Xinyi has practically won every speech competition she attended; however, awards do not define Xinyi. She selflessly imparted her experiences and wisdom to the next
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Date 10/21/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Only Together We Can Solve Global Problems | Olga Schmidt | TEDxDerryLondonderryStudio
Olga Schmidt, volunteer of ALLATRA International Public Movement, senior MRI technologist, and active community member share the importance of working together as one global society in order to
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Date 12/14/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Second Ground for Hope by Leif Wenar: People Own the Oil

Excerpt of Professor Leif Wenar's presentation in Seattle, Washington on January 27th, full speech

Excerpt of Professor Leif Wenar's presentation in Seattle, Washington on January 27th, full speech here. Leif is author of the book, Blood Oil: Tyrants, Violence, and the Rules That Run the World.In this excerpt from his presentation of January

He holds the Chair of Philosophy & Law at Kings College London. After earning his Bachelor degree from Stanford, he went to Harvard to study with John Rawls, and wrote his doctoral thesis on property rights with Robert Nozick and T.M. Scanlon. He has worked in the UK since 1997. This excerpt was produced by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv, Voices of Sustainability as part of a blogpost, Sustainability Advocate. Visit the site, Clean Trade (http://cleantrade.org/) to become involved in this movement.

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EarthSayer Leif Wenar
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Clean Trade More Details
The Declaration of Interdependence: A Pledge to Planet Earth by D.Suzuki and T. Cullis

The Declaration of Interdependence: A Pledge to Planet Earth by

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EarthSayers Tara Cullis; David Suzuki
Date unknown Format Appeal
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Reduce. Reuse. Rethink. | Maya Ayres | TEDxCherryCreekWomen
I bring the idea of reducing, reusing and rethinking to the table instead of reducing, reusing and recycling. My mission is to educate people about plastic and share why recycling should not be
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Date 12/13/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
My Gentle Barn: Learning to Listen to Animals | Ellie Laks | TEDxWilmingtonWomen
The story of a mom’s desperate cries for her lost baby, their miraculous reunion, and the life lessons for us all that make us better humans. - Ellie Laks is the Founder of The Gentle Barn, a
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Date 1/4/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
SDG Learning 2021 - Session 10: Nuclear disarmament and our sustainable future
SDG Learning 2021 - Session 10: Nuclear disarmament and our sustainable future Partners: - Hiroshima Prefecture - Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace (HOPe) More information on this session can
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Date 7/16/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Chatham Island Bees Giving Hope to Humankind | Francesca Bonventre | TEDxPipitea
The survival of bees is critical for the survival of humans, and the Chatham Islands are home to one of the healthiest bee populations on the planet. Francesca Bonventre and her partner are exploring
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Date 12/8/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
We Are the People of the Corn with Greg Cajete

Pueblo people have a history of sustainability and self-reliance that was disrupted by Spanish land policies. 400 years later Pueblo people are on a quest to restore sustainability in their

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EarthSayer Greg Cajete
Date 2/21/2019 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
SAM Portfolio: Panel Excerpt: What Gives Us Hope and Heart by Barbara Ford
Static Preview

Sustainability Action Media (SAM) at Earth Day Conference 2012

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EarthSayer Barbara Ford
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainability Action Media (SAM) More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 167 matching videos containing any of the terms

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