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Ted Williams, Tuscarora elder of the Wolf Clan, shares his knowledge and discusses the significance of The Great Law of Peace, which is the oldest and long-lived treaty of peace in the
Published on Feb 19, 2013
The first billboard that produces potable water from the air.
The Social Cost of Carbon estimates the monetary damages that result from carbon pollution -- essentially putting a value on the effects of climate
Tora Fisher is a New York based singer-songwriter and performance artist. When she was young, her mother
Spearfishing: A Living History explores the tradition and practice of spearfishing through the eyes of Jason Bisonette, a member of the Lac Courte
Water issues are among the most pressing facing our planet in the 21st century. Aqueduct, World Resources Institute (WRI)
This is episode #8 of Meeting of the
In this multimedia video produced by the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board, Marshall Pecore,
Meet our new Executive Director Annie Leonard, creator of The Story of Stuff Project.
She's ready to build a greener, fairer world with you! Leave us a comment to welcome Annie to
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