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Displaying 10 videos of 42 matching videos containing any of the terms

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Michael Smith: The East Bay Sanctuary Covenant
The East Bay Sanctuary was organized in 1982 to assist refugees fleeing the terrible violence in the Northern Triangle of Central America. While refugees from El Salvador and Honduras were fleeing,
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Date 5/20/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Michael Smith: The East Bay Sanctuary Covenant
The East Bay Sanctuary was organized in 1982 to assist refugees fleeing the terrible violence in the Northern Triangle of Central America. While refugees from El Salvador and Honduras were fleeing,
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Date 5/23/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Climate One New Wheels In Town
What’s with all the electric scooters, skateboards and bicycles? Scooter bros suddenly seem to be everywhere in San Francisco, Washington, DC, Seattle and other cities. Some think they’re cool,
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Date 11/8/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Our Sustainability Challenges. The why, the what and the how | Alexandra Smith | TEDxWoodLane
Sustainability is often presented as being complex, expensive, and fraught with difficulty, it is considered the preserve of those who can afford it, and with the means and the ‘know how' to
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Date 11/11/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Land Defence In Bwabwata - A Khwe Perspective
In this podcast, we hear from residents of Bwabwata in Namibia who discuss the land defense of the !Xun and Khwe people of the region in Namibia in the Okavango Delta that was known as the Caprivi
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Date 3/18/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
How Circular is Your Company? Introducing Circulytics
More and more businesses are adopting circular economy strategies and pilots, but how do they understand and measure success on the path towards that goal? Circulytics is a new company-level
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Date 2/18/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Claude Ouimet, Senior V.P. and G.M at InterfaceFLO
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3BL Media's Lorraine Smith interviews Claude Ouimet, Senior VP and GM for Canada and Latin America of Interface FLOR, a partner of

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EarthSayer Claude Ouimet
Date 10/25/2010 Format Interview
Length 5:54 Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Canadian Business for Social Responsibility More Details
#CCL2020 June Conference: Equity is the Answer
Hear from Nathaniel Smith, founder and Chief Equity Officer for the Partnership for Southern Equity, on how to advance the climate movement post COVID-19 and how to create institutional
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Date 6/13/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Short version: How Circular is Your Company?
More and more businesses are adopting circular economy strategies and pilots, but how do they understand and measure success on the path towards that goal? Ilma Stankeviciute explores the
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Date 3/6/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Helping Consumers Find Sustainable Products
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Founder of The GoodGuide, Dara O'Rourke talks to Heather Smith of NewHope360.com and New Hope Natural Media about engaging consumers and brands at Expo East in Boston. They started out
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EarthSayer Dara O'Rourke
Date unknown Format Product
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 42 matching videos containing any of the terms

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