Displaying 10 videos of 31 matching videos containing any of the terms
Earth and Spirit Council, July 14, 2011
Ilarion Merculieff speaks on indigenous elder wisdom and the highly evolved spiritual culture of Mother Earth based cultures. He talks
This video was removed from YouTube but is posted to Vimeo here.
Sustainability Action Media (SAM) at Earth Day Conference 2012 sponsored by the Earth & Spirit Council. Videotaped by Tom Hopkins of SAM and Barry Heidt of SAM. The panel discussion
Sustainability Action Media (SAM) at Earth Day Conference 2012
The panel discussion between elders and youth was around a central conference topic: "What gives us hope and heart to keep working on what is best for our Earth in the face of difficult changes?"
Uploaded on Nov 9, 2011
EarthSayer llarion MerculieffExcerpt of an interview with Larry Merculieff (Aleut) from the Native Perspectives on Sustainability project (
Excerpt of an interview with Larry Merculieff (Aleut) from the Native Perspectives on
Excerpt of an interview with Larry Merculieff (Aleut) from the Native Perspectives on Sustainability project (
Displaying 10 videos of 31 matching videos containing any of the terms
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