Displaying 10 videos of 58 matching videos containing any of the terms
Rhiannon Tomtishen & Madison Vorva created Project ORANG (Orangutans Really Appreciate and Need Girls Scouts) in 2007. They discovered that the Girl Scouts' iconic cookies contain palm oil, and
Prince Charles addresses climate change and those who deny the
Reconciling Ways of Knowing “Drawing on Indigenous Knowledge in Responding to
Speech before the American Public Works Association (APWA) Sustainability in
Elder Dr. Dave Courchene, Grandmother Katherine Whitecloud, Dr. Blair Stonechild in dialogue with Moderator Shaunna Morgan Siegers, MSc on our essential and spiritual connection with the land and
Grandmother Katherine Whitecloud discusses the root of addictions: an imbalance from unresolved trauma, being disconnected from the land and our ancestral ways of being. To address these issues,
Displaying 10 videos of 58 matching videos containing any of the terms
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