Displaying 10 videos of 32 matching videos containing any of the terms
Grandmother Maria Alice Campos Freire talks about the Grandmothers and the challenges they face to fulfill their mission. Grandmother Maria Alice Campos Freire was born in Brazil. Growing up in
The passing on of indigenous knowledge and culture to a young girl by her mother.
The Turtle Lodge Presents a Special Winter Solstice Presentation: “Lighting the Sacred Fire.”
Highlighting Turtle Lodge Knowledge Keepers Elder Dr. Dave Courchene,
Excerpt from a teaching circle of Grandmother Agnes who is a presenter at the SEED Institute's Wisdom from the Origins conference, September 13 through 17th in ABQ, New Mexico. This teaching
Grandmother Flordemayo, Curandera Espiritu of the Maya People, addresses the Spotlight of Indigenous Peoples plenary at the 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions in Salt Lake City, Utah
Displaying 10 videos of 32 matching videos containing any of the terms
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