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Across the globe, countries are investing in science and deem it critical for society. Yet scientists are facing funding issues, due to forces such as the sequester. How
Take a journey with Director Jerome Osentowski, Commissioner Jill Ryan, and Environmental Policy Planner Adam Palmer through
After five years of deepening crisis, failed "solutions," and aborted "recoveries," millions see a capitalist system no longer serving most Americans. It's time to demand a cure big
"Anything worth knowing can't be known and anything you know isn't worth knowing" was the advice one elder gave Dr. Mehl-Madrona goes on to talk about "all story." He is the author of Coyote
Many critics claim that the problem with economics is that it has no theory of value. From early economists, such as Smith, Ricardo and Marx, to later economists, pinning value to economics has
Using public monies to reduce carbon footprint, practice energy conservation, and raise the environmental awareness among
"The power of our ceremonies is perpetuated by discipline and our integrity. Ceremonies come to us, from the spirit, with instructions to maintain that doctoring, curing and healing power. It's up
Displaying 10 videos of 559 matching videos containing any of the terms
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