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Displaying 10 videos of 39 matching videos containing any of the terms

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Catholic Climate Movement - meet a new generation of climate advocates
Young, conservative, Catholic, and stewards of the earth: this growing group is speaking up on climate change. In a radio interview with Ohio News Network, CCLer Topher Anderson explains that it is
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Date 4/14/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Taking Action on Climate Change by Regeneration Project

Pioneers John Elkington, Bjorn Stigson, Doug Miller, and David Suzuki fear that things may get worse before they get better on climate change issues. Only when our daily lives are disrupted and we

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EarthSayers John Elkington; Bjorn Stigson; David Suzuki
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
New York: How The Circular Economy Allows Us To "Think Outside Of The Box"
Bridget Anderson, the Deputy Commissioner of Recycling and Sustainability at the New York City Department of Sanitation discusses how the city is taking a collaborative approach to introducing a
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Date 7/7/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Confessions of a Radical Industrialist
Static Preview

Hear Ray Anderson, Founder and Chairman of Interface, In

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EarthSayer Ray Anderson
Date unknown Format Book Promotion
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Ray Anderson More Details
#CCL2020 June Conference: Interfaith Action on Climate Change

How does an interfaith approach to climate change attempt to bridge the divides? How can a faith-based approach be more intersectional when it comes to justice issues? What are some specific

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Date 6/14/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
#CCL2020 June Conference: Inclusive Climate Outreach in the American South
Princella Talley and Susan Adams will share firsthand success stories from their climate outreach work in Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi. Specifically, they'll discuss attracting a more diverse
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Date 6/13/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Who Supports Carbon Pricing: Doctors #CCL2021 #PushForAPrice June Conference
The Energy Innovation Act will improve health and save 4.5 million American lives over the next 50 years by reducing pollution Americans breathe. Dr. Susan Pacheco and CCL Health Action Team
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Date 6/15/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
How Can We Build Greener Roads? | Jeralee Anderson | TEDxEverett
When it comes to sustainability, we often take our built infrastructure for granted. In this talk, we'll explore the interconnectedness of transportation infrastructure in nature and in our
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Date 11/30/2020 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Susan Orlean: On Animals
Celebrated writer Susan Orlean visits The Commonwealth Club for the first time to discuss her new book, On Animals, a collection from her lifetime of musings, mediations and in-depth profiles about
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Date 10/21/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Wildlife Nation Exclusive Clip: A Celebration of the Endangered Species Act
Join host Jeff Corwin for a celebration of the Endangered Species Act by connecting with a few of the amazing species that have benefitted from the landmark legislation. To learn more about the
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Date 8/1/2022 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 39 matching videos containing any of the terms

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