Search Results

Displaying 10 videos of 27 matching videos containing any of the terms

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Digital Age: Living with Meaning, Purpose & Wisdom with Eckhart Tolle |

Eckhart Tolle stops by Google for a fireside chat with Bradley Horowitz. The subject is: "Living with Meaning, Purpose and Wisdom in the Digital Age." February 2012.

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EarthSayer Eckhart Tolle
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
The Cost of Color: The Health and Social Consequences of Skin Color for People Today
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Nina Jablonski explores the nature and sequence of changes in human skin through prehistory, and the consequences of these changes for the lives of people today. Recorded
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Date 4/14/2017 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
CCL Training: Texting Your Group Recommendations
Join CCL IT Director Ricky Bradley and Education Director Brett Cease for a training that will review recommendations on how to text your group's volunteers, including setting up a system to provide
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Date 7/30/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Future of (Sustainable) Agriculture--Part 2 of 2
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Fred Kirschenmann, a long-time leader in the sustainable agriculture movement, Distinguished Fellow at the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture, and a third-generation farmer (an

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EarthSayer Fred Kirschenmann
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Date 8/14/2017 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Nina Simons — Shifting Guidance from Head to Heart
Nina Simons, Co-Founder of Bioneers, discusses reclaiming the feminine in order to realign our personal and societal values and practices. "When I listen with my heart, I am pierced with an empathic
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Date 9/12/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Sustainable Finance Foundations: Nina Seega: What is the business benefit?
Nina Seega, SFF course contributor, outlines the business benefit from the course.
Date 6/10/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Future of (Sustainable) Agriculture:1/2:Fred Kirschenmann
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Fred Kirschenmann, Distinguished Fellow at the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture talks about how being organic doesn't automatically mean you are in the camp of sustainability.

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EarthSayer Fred Kirschenmann
Date unknown Format Lectures
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Sustainable Finance Foundations: Nina Seega: Why is this course important?
Nina Seega, SFF course contributor, sums up why the course is important.
Date 6/10/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Sustainable Finance Foundations: Nina Seega: Why CISL?
Nina Seega, SFF course contributor, describes what makes CISL distinctive.
Date 6/10/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 27 matching videos containing any of the terms

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