Displaying 6 videos of 116 matching videos containing any of the terms
Author Kenneth Johnson talks about each moment in sacred time is a new beginning in the world, for all of us, renewal being the keyword.
His workshop at the
Invitation to attend the SEED Institute's Wisdom from the Origins Conference, The Mayan Calendar, and other Prophecies on the Future of Humanity on September 13-17, 2012. (
Celebracion del Wajxaqib Baatz 27 de Marzo 2012 Belejeb Tzi Guatemala
Don Alejandro Cirilo Pérez, Wakatel Utiw (Wandering Wolf), is Quiche Maya from the highlands of Guatemala.
Tata Pedro Cruz talks to an audience about the relationship of the Mayan Calender to our bodies, our ten fingers and ten toes. He talks about the Mayan calender and 2012. The venue was at
Grandmother Flordemayo, Curandera Espiritu of the Maya People, addresses the Spotlight of Indigenous Peoples plenary at the 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions in Salt Lake City, Utah
Keys to Recognizing the Great Mystery by Mayan elder Flordemayo of the Thirteen Grandmothers, recorded at the
Displaying 6 videos of 116 matching videos containing any of the terms
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