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Not an environmental expert but a citizen of this planet | Mayra Catalán-Orozco | TEDxGunnHighSchoo
Mayra Catalán-Orozco is the Community Partnerships Manager at The Health Trust and Community Engager with Mothers Out Front, which are both Silicon Valley nonprofits. Mayra is passionate about the
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Date 5/18/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
A Strong Vision and Targets by Richard Jackson
Static Preview

Part One of the second panel of the Business in the Community Ireland Summit on Corporate Responsibility: Transforming to a Sustainable Business was held on Thursday 18th November 2010.

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EarthSayer Richard Jackson
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Design and Architecture More Details
Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak by Max Wilbert

Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak On Melting Ice and Global Impacts. This film by

Arctic Emergency: Scientists Speak On Melting Ice and Global Impacts. This film by Max Wilbert brings you the voices of climate scientists - in their own words.

Rising temperatures in the Arctic are contributing the melting sea ice, thawing permafrost, and destabilization of a system that has been called "Earth's Air Conditioner".

Global warming is here and is impacting weather patterns, natural systems, and human life around the world - and the Arctic is central to these impacts. Published on Aug 1, 2014
Scientists featured in the film include: Jennifer Francis, PhD. Atmospheric Sciences
Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University; Ron Prinn, PhD. Chemistry
TEPCO Professor of Atmospheric Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Natalia Shakhova, PhD. Marine Geology International Arctic Research Center, University of Alaska-Fairbanks; Kevin Schaefer, PhD. Research Scientist, National Snow and Ice Data Center; Stephen J. Vavrus, PhD. Atmospheric Sciences Center for Climatic Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Nikita Zimov, Northeast Science Station, Russian Academy of Sciences.; Jorien Vonk, PhD. Applied Environmental Sciences Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University; Jeff Masters, PhD. Meteorology .Director, Weather Underground

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EarthSayers Jennifer Francis; Max Wilbert; Nikita Zimov
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
How to start an empathy revolution by Roman Krznaric

Roman Krznaric at TEDxAthens 2013

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EarthSayer Roman Krznaric
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Empathy and Consciousness More Details
Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability by IPCC

Published on Mar 31, 2014

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EarthSayers Chris Field; Joy Pereira
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
CCL Training: Research on Rural Economic Benefits of Climate Policy
It turns out that strong climate policy, similar to the Energy Innovation Act, would provide substantial economic benefits to America’s rural communities. Wind and solar energy would expand
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Date 10/22/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
The Walkable City:Lessons from the U.S by Jeff Speck

How promoting walkability can increase citizen well-being and create both business and more liveable urban environment? How do we get people to walk and ride bikes instead of choosing

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EarthSayer Jeff Speck
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Health and Wellness More Details
Vital Signs: Taking the Pulse of Our Planet by NASA

Our planet is a beautiful and awesome place. In a new video, join NASA scientists on a 40-minute visual tour of Earth from space, presented at the IMAX Theater at National Air and Space Museum in

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EarthSayers Lola Fatoyinbo-Agueh, Ph.D; Lennard Fisk, Ph.D; Gail Skofronick-Jackson, Ph.D
Date unknown Format Research
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Case for optimism- The ecosystem protecting coastlines & storing carbon | Dan Friess | TEDxSingapore
We've heard of animals being endangered; But what happens when mangroves, a vital piece of our ecosystem goes extinct? How much do we know about mangrove forests that lives along our tropical
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Date 4/22/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Témoins du climat - 7 milliards d'Autres

Uploaded on Dec 5, 2009

En 2003, après La Terre vue du ciel, Yann Arthus-Bertrand a lancé avec Sibylle

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Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 559 matching videos containing any of the terms

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