Displaying 10 videos of 42 matching videos containing any of the terms
FedEx uses our core strengths to support
FedEx uses our core strengths to support ORBIS and their unique Flying Eye Hospital, a converted DC10. We help maintain the plane,
provide volunteer pilots, donate millions of dollars of cash and in-kind transportation support, and team members provide volunteer support on the ground for programs around the world. Winner of Corporate Citizenship film festival.
The Legacy of The Exxon Valdez (2008): Oil is still polluting the shores and bankrupted fishermen are still waiting for the $5
The Legacy of The Exxon Valdez (2008): Oil is still polluting the shores and bankrupted fishermen are still waiting for the $5 billion payout granted in 1994.
For downloads and more information visit: http://www.journeyman.tv/?lid=58958&a...
Exxon Valdez leaked more than 40 million litres of crude oil into Alaska's pristine waterways nineteen years ago. Today, oil is still polluting the shores and bankrupted fishermen are still waiting for the $5 billion payout granted in 1994.
After a series of appeals by the company, $5 billion became $2.5. Now that the case has reached the increasingly pro-business US Supreme Court, fishermen fear they could end up with nothing. While ExxonMobil claims the area has returned to robust health, locals tell of vastly depleted fish stocks, which almost disappeared after the spill. ExxonMobil claims the fish fell victim to a virus, a theory disputed by the fishermen, who are backed by scientific evidence: "The fish can't disappear like they're telling the public. [Exxon's]] explanation just isn't practical," says an expert. As the legal case drags on, a fifth of the plaintiffs have died and the rest have lost hope. For them, Exxon has already won no matter what. Yet the oil giant keeps repeating that the spill was a tragic accident and that the company has acted responsibly towards the local communities. Fishermen whose livelihoods were ruined feel cheated: "Exxon says that everything's coming back and everything's fine - it's a lie."
ABC Australia - Ref 4066 Published on Mar 24, 2014
The Butterfly Effect with Catharine MacKinnon
Equality seakers spread your wings! Under the right conditions, small simple actions in a collective context can produce large complex effects
The Butterfly Effect with Catharine MacKinnon
Equality seakers spread your wings! Under the right conditions, small simple actions in a collective context can produce large complex effects and change. Pioneering lawyer and activist for women’s rights Catharine A. MacKinnon argues that seemingly minor interventions in the legal realm can have a butterfly effect that generates major social and cultural transformations.
Watch Catharine MacKinnon, lawyer and activist, in our latest RSA Spotlight - the edits which take you straight to the heart of the event! Loved this snippet? Watch the full talk here.
Substantive Equalty, Multidimensional Political Thinking, Principled Creativity, Inspired Intervention, Open debates on strategy, old and new forms of organizing.
Catharine A. MacKinnon is the Elizabeth A. Long Professor of Law at Michigan Law and the long-term James Barr Ames Visiting Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. She holds a BA from Smith College, a JD from Yale Law School, and a PhD in political science from Yale. She specializes in sex equality issues under international and domestic (including comparative, criminal, and constitutional) law.
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