Displaying 8 videos of 8 matching videos
Business leaders around the world answer the important question: How do you nurture diversity in your industry?
These clips are part of the Ethics in Business: In Their Own Words
Multidisciplinary artist and TED Fellow Paul Rucker is unstitching the legacy of systemic racism in the United States. A collector of artifacts connected to the history of slavery -- from branding
To close out our advocacy efforts at Climate Week, WECAN hosted our final event, "How Worldviews and Climate Justice Can Remake a World in Crisis," where we heard from movement leaders and
Stella Young is a comedian and journalist who happens to go about her day in a wheelchair — a fact that doesn't, she'd like to make clear, automatically turn her into a noble
The Black Lives Matter group has been fighting to be heard since 2013 - and the phrase itself is now being seen on streets and screens all around the world after the killing of George Floyd.
Portland Interfaith Clergy Resistance sponsored a prayer vigil at Terry Schrunk Plaza, across from City Hall, on Juneteenth, a day to commemorate emancipation from slavery in Texas on that day,
In this talk, Kelly Matheson talks about her work at WITNESS and the rights to a sustainable living environment focusing on
Two icons of the 60's civil rights era -- Bill Moyers and Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) -- meet to share experiences and
Displaying 8 videos of 8 matching videos
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