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You've heard the word before. Something to do with government and politics, right? Well, it also has to do with fairness. Gerrymandering is when one political party redraws district borders in
This is the biggest thing David Suzuki has ever done. Around the world, more than 110 nations recognize the right to live in a healthy environment, but not Canada. Together, we can change that:
About doing public good as a private citizen.
Former President Bill Clinton (SFS'68) told an audience in Georgetown's
The attempt through an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to grant equal rights to women. The
The Governor, Martin O'Malley talks about State's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan and reducing emissions by 2020 and emphasized the need for collaboration between public and private sector.
TalkingStickTV - Panel discussion on "Community Organizing: Stories From Local Groups" from the Conference of the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability "Celebrating 25 Years of Success"
The onus falls on government to give us the systems, incentives and regulatory frameworks to enable sustainable development. We hope to see a sense of shared vision and objectives by governments
Why is it so hard to give it back? Citizen dividends in oil rich countries. Johnny West is a social
Season Two launches on March 1st with The Story of Citizens United v. FEC, an exploration of the inordinate power that corporations exercise in our democracy, second in a series by
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