Displaying 10 videos of 31 matching videos
Hear what Kristian has to say on the importance of design & architecture for the energy sector and how we should aim for more sustainable societies & liveable cities. The Honorary Committee
Although climate scientists have repeatedly shown that global surface temperatures have increased in the last decades and that human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases are to blame, ex-US
The Climate Crisis & Municipal Leadership, Dr Dianne Saxe; November 4, 2019; Hamilton, ON
How must cities lead against climate crisis? What are the responsibilities of municipal
Why run for office? Dianne Saxe | Green Party Deputy Leader, March, 2022
Dianne Saxe is an internationally recognized Canadian lawyer, rated among the top 25 environmental lawyers in
How to restore trust in Government. | Jason Saul | TEDxChicago
Jason Saul is one of the nation’s leading experts on measuring social impact. Founder and CEO of Mission Measurement,
Baroness O'Neill, one of the UK's leading philosophers, explores how poorly we attribute or understand trust and the steps we can take to fix this. TEDxHousesofParliament
Portland Charter Review Commissioner Melanie Billings-Yun shares an overview on
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