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Join psychologists David Sherman and Leaf Van Boven (CCL's Sept 2018 monthly speakers) as they review the main findings and framework for their recent research. Deepen your understanding of how to
Jaime Latorre, a 15-year-old climate activist, and Eagle Scout candidate urges everyone to exercise personal leadership as he shares his views about the importance of youth
As we celebrate Earth Day 2020, we take a moment to reflect on our place in the natural world, and how our individual choices can ultimately affect our future & the future of the one place we all
MRS ROBINSON tells Mary’s story, in her own words, for the very first time - illuminating battles for justice and equality over half a century; on the streets, in the courts, at the ballot
From Chaos to Regeneration - Our World in Crisis 1,115 views Mar 23, 2024
Life on our planet is under attack. False solutions mask the real questions - How will we
What does it take to be an effective leader in the 21st century? According to John Elkington, Mark Moody Stuart, Rajendra Pachauri and others, leadership on the sustainability agenda will
An Interfaith Call to Inclusion interview with Rev. Nathan Meckley of the Metropolitan Community Church
Uploaded on Nov 22, 2016
EarthSayer Tara WilkinsRay Anderson's reading of Paul Hawken's Book, The Ecology of Commerce changed his life and explains how he came to understand the damage being done to the earth by organizations including his
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