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A mix of presentations in a six hour live stream from World Peace and Prayer Day (2020). Introduced by Chief Arvol Looking Horse and a presentation by Guy Jones, Hunkpapa Lakota, Newark
Craig is a Professor in the English Department at the University of Hawaii, Manoa,
How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World.
Can Aboriginal perspectives provide us the paradigm shift we need now? As an indigenous person, University Senior Lecturer Tyson Yunkaporta
Jul 12, 2020
COVID19 is a wake up call. Educating ourselves is paramount and taking time to learn of First Peoples relationship to the land. Our mothers first and most
Host Marcia Alvar speaks with Wilma Mankiller, Principle Chief of the Cherokee Nation from 1983-1995. Ms. Mankiller (1945-2010) discusses her experiences as related in her book, "Mankiller: A
Wallace Black Elk: We are born with love, kindness, generosity and giving. Connie Baxter Marlow: Walking in Trust: Radical Childrearing. Trust is the key to living in harmony, live a new way
Wallace Black Elk speaks from the Universal mind. Doubt has separated us from the Creator and created the reality we experience. Understanding the true nature of the rock, fire, water and
This movie is a tribute to Grandmother Beatrice Long Visitor Holy Dance, a recently departed member of the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.
Chief Phil Lane Jr. shares one of the four songs of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman, which he says holds a message for our time in human history.
This is John Trudell's first CD, amazing spoken word by an amazing man, support John Trudell, buy his music, check his documentary, learn about this man who has fought for our people. Posted by
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