Displaying 10 videos of 22 matching videos
On November 5, Osprey Orielle Lake, WECAN Executive Director, spoke to Parliament Ministers from around the world and other global leaders at the GLOBE COP26 Legislators Summit held at the
Hear what Mogens has to say on the creation and purpose of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the importance of sustainable development including all aspects of the global goals, in
Tom Steyer, Senior Managing Member & Founder of Farallon Capital Management and co-founder of Advanced Energy Economy, discusses idea behind the advanced energy economy and why
Today's existing buildings use 72% of our nation's electricity, much of which is wasted. We cannot transform our energy system
Jeffrey Sachs presents the key note presentation on
Canadian Indigenous Actress and Activist Michelle Thrush hand delivers a declaration made by indigenous nationalities that
OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez is founder and spiritual leader of Earth Peoples United whose mission in part is to connect people to the natural and spiritual world. More information on their site
Gregory has written for Esquire, The New York Times, Texas
Monthly and the Austin American Statesman. His documentary
Tzeporah Berman of Greenpeace describes the Energy (R)evolution in terms of her journey to find out if we have the technology TODAY to dramatically reduce dirty energy - it's possible and already
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton holds a bilateral meeting with Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird to discuss the Keystone Pipeline project at the State Department, on August 5,
Displaying 10 videos of 22 matching videos
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