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Banana Paper Reduction: Earth University : Dr. Panfilo Tabora
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EARTH University of Costa Rica is a private, non-profit international institution dedicated to education, research and sustainable commercialization activities centered around agricultural
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EarthSayers Matt Rogers; Panfilo Tabora, Ph.D.
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainability in Costa Rica More Details
Tapped: the Bottled Water Industry by Stephanie Soechtig
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EarthSayers Sara Gibson; Stephanie Soechtig; Michael Walwath
Date unknown Format Trailer
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Plastic in Our Oceans More Details
The World's Deepest Bin

This is one in a series of ideas at http://www.thefuntheory.com asking the question, "Can we get more people to throw rubbish in the bin instead of onto the ground?" During one day 72 kg of

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Date unknown Format Competition
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Bottle Bank Arcade Machine

This is one in a series of ideas at http://www.thefuntheory.com,

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Date unknown Format Competition
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 4 videos of 54 matching videos

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