
Displaying 2 videos of 2 matching videos

LPG Talks with Dr. Rebecca Boudreaux of Oberon Fuels

Boudreaux, President & Chief Executive Officer, talks about how her company, Oberon Fuels. 

Oberon Fuels is slashing the environmental impact of fuels used for transportation,

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EarthSayer Dr. Rebecca Boudreaux
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
The True Cost of Oil: Tar Sands by Garth Lenz
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What does environmental devastation actually look like? At TEDxVictoria, photographer Garth Lenz shares shocking photos of

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EarthSayer Garth Lenz
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Alberta Canada Tar Sands More Details

Displaying 2 videos of 2 matching videos


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