People | Culture & Consciousness
Beliefs & attitudes

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All Things Have Standing: 4.7 -- Future Stories -- Machine Virtue

In this closing chapter of our journey through the ethics of artificial intelligence, Prof. Shannon
Vallor explores the fundamental philosophical and practical question humanity must answer

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EarthSayer Shannon Vallor
Date 12/6/2022 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Innovation and Sustainability More Details
Dr. Judith Orloff | Radical Empathy in the Workplace | Talks at Google

Judith Orloff MD, a New York Times bestselling author of "The Empath’s Survival Guide" and the upcoming “Radical Empathy," discusses how to ignite the power of empathy and intuition at

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EarthSayer Judith Orloff MD
Date 10/29/2021 Format Webinar (Zoom+)
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Health and Wellness More Details
Paul Slovic | Confronting the Deadly Arithmetic of Compassion | Talks at Google

Paul Slovic discusses human perception towards mass tragedies and losses at scale.

We as a global society value individual lives greatly and respond strongly to protect a single

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EarthSayer Paul Slovic
Date 8/28/2021 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
July 2020 | Dr. Renee Lertzman | Citizens' Climate Lobby

Feeling anxious and overwhelmed about climate change and our ability to solve the problem? Our guest this month, environmental psychologist Dr. Renee Lertzman, says we have a window of tolerance

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EarthSayer Dr. Renee Lertzman
Date 7/11/2020 Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details
Ethics in Business: Diversity, In Their Own Words

Business leaders around the world answer the important question: How do you nurture diversity in your industry?

These clips are part of the Ethics in Business: In Their Own Words

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Date 10/2/2019 Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Equal Rights for Women and Girls More Details
Courage, and Love, and Sustainable Futures (2018)

How courage and love fuel our commitment to a sustainable world. How individual and executive actions can shape the future, igniting passion and creativity in the face of climate challenges.

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EarthSayer Gil Friend
Date unknown Format Teaching
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Culture and Consciousness More Details
Welcome to the Recovery Cafe

Welcome to Recovery Cafe is a refuge of hope and healing where transformation and healing is always on the menu.  It's a place where people who have been ignored and not valued are given loving attention and valued. Good nutrition, connection, and community are the antidotes to isolation, loneliness, and recidivism.  Recovery Cafe is not a drop in center or a crisis clinic.  It is a membership organization where people are valued and come back to life!  After viewing the trailer visit their website.





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EarthSayer Killian Noe
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Called From Darkness More Details
Going Green In A World Devastated By Climate Change

The consequences of our wasteful ways of living are finally catching up and having a serious impact on the world. The state that we currently live in didn’t happen overnight, and, as

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Date unknown Format Suggestions and Tips
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
On Nudge by Richard Thaler

Author and economist Richard Thaler discusses "Nudge: The Final Edition", co-authored by Cass R. Sunstein, which demonstrates how best to nudge us in the right directions, without ever restricting

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EarthSayer Richard H. Thaler
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
The courage to trust yourself...listen to the nudges with Jo Simpson

The courage to trust yourself...listen to the nudges | Jo Simpson | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh

What happens when you really learn to trust yourself? Jo Simpson will take you on a journey

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EarthSayer Jo Simpson
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

Displaying 10 videos of 47 matching videos

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