Displaying 10 videos of 40 matching videos
Stéphane Le Goaster, an engineer for the French forest administration explains how climate change is taken into account in forest managment in
Global Forest Watch is a dynamic online forest monitoring and
An Appeal:How to Help
Sumatran orangutans are critically endangered and without urgent action could be the first
The Rocky Mountains supply water to more than 60 million homes in the West, but this crucial water shed is in peril due to a
Domingo Peas is the community leader of the Sharamentsa,
Achuar Territory, Ecuador, South America. He talks about humans being required to respect the forest because here we have all
Hilario Saant is a community leader in Kapawi Achuar Territory in Ecuador, South America. He tells, firsthand, the story of his community around the issue of oil extraction and its
In Irish mythology, trees are a symbol of wealth. The Irish Government is moving closer to a huge sell-off of the public forests managed by Coillte (The Irish Forestry Board) to private investors.
Displaying 10 videos of 40 matching videos
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