Our Youth Speak Up

About This Collection

Let's hear from our children, and their advocates, on the social, environmental, cultural, and economic concerns around sustainability and the call to always act responsibly and with the next seven generations in mind. The collection will also feature, from time to time, adults who are speaking on behalf of children. 

To add to this collection email [email protected].  Thank you.



Curated by mokiethecat

Water Battles by Martin Figueroa

In the semi-arid San Joaquin Valley of California, UC Merced student Martin Figueroa has been the driving force in a campus movement to reduce water use and improve energy efficiency. In 2011, Figueroa recruited more than 600 students in the newest University of California campus to participate in the "UC Merced Water Battle" — a month-long water saving competition between residence halls. To track water usage Figueroa utilized real-time water monitoring technology and enlisted engineering students to help track the data. During the contest participating students reduced their water use by 14 percent, saving 89,000 gallons of water. Figueroa is now reaching out to other UC campuses and asking them to hold their own "Water Battles."



EarthSayer Martin Figueroa

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